
Professor Ashwatthama – Rebirth of Ravana #01

Original price was: ₹249.Current price is: ₹207.

Availability: In stock

After the 1945 Hiroshima Atomic blast, a villain from Dwapar Yuga’s
Mahabharata met India’s greatest Atomic Scientist Dr. H.Baba and introduced
him to the wars and weapons of the future including the blueprints of invincible
BHRAMASTRA. In order to return his favour, Dr. Baba temporarily healed
mysterious character’s incurable wound with his invention. Together they
created many weapons for India and even formed India’s first Classified
Secret Service, F.A.R – Final Assault Regiment. Dr. Baba started addressing
him Professor. But when Dr. Baba died under suspicious circumstances, this
mysterious character eluded the lab. Until, in 2016, 700 F.A.R soldiers with
modernistic weapons created by Professor himself constrained him from the
jungles of Madhya Pradesh in the name of National Security. Presently,
Professor Ashwatthama aka Prisoner no. 27 is locked up in India’s classified
A nefarious scientist from STERM, Dr. Fhala Gavar steals Ravana’s Jewel
from Mythology Museum in Sri Lanka and unearths lost grave of Genghis
Khan. As Dr. Gavara transfer’s Ravana’s soul into Genghis Khan’s body, the
earth plunges into darkness. The Demon King rises from his sleep after eons
and Indian Authorities are forced to take help from their best Mathematician
and Armourer- Prisoner 27 aka Professor Ashwatthama.

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Professor AshwatthamaProfessor Ashwatthama – Rebirth of Ravana #01
Original price was: ₹249.Current price is: ₹207.

Availability: In stock